Please be in prayer for the Missions we currently support:

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Brandon Gettig
  • Sylvan Hills Christian Service Camp
  • CRU- Agape Italia Lauren and Matteo Chiarelli
  • CRU- Brian and April Thrush (Penn State Campus grad students)
  • Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
  • Bellefonte Community Lunch Program (Kathy Breidenbaugh)
  • Faith Centre food bank/pet pantry

The following ministries have immediate needs and volunteer opportunities:


CRU - Lauren & Matteo Chiarelli

The Chiarelli’s are in need of more financial support as their family begins to grow and they are involved in more ministry opportunities in Rome.



Volunteers to help with Good News Clubs in local schools.

Contact: Vanessa Morehead at


Faith Centre

Donating items, pet pantry donations, sorting/pricing goods, cleaning.

Contact: Kathryn at 814-355-0880.


Community Lunch Program (Trinity Downtown Bellefonte)

Helping prepare meal/serve/socialize with the community the third Wednesday of every month.

Contact: Kathy Breidenbaugh at



Support of fundraisers throughout the year. (baby bottles, banquet, 5K)


Go ReEntry

Financial contributions as well as help in providing a support system to help formerly incarcerated citizens return to their community.

Contact: Mark Frailey at


For updated information about the missions we support at Watermarke, please visit the Missions stand in the foyer, or scan the QR codes on the displays in the hallway.